1. Things you cannot leave the house without?
Aside from the obvious (keys/phone/wallet) - lip balm (Lanolips!), hairbrush, a good book (you never know when you'll get stuck somewhere waiting for a train, and pretend texting can only get you so far!).
2. Favourite brand of makeup?
My collection probably features MAC most heavily - I also have a new-found love for NARS (see previous post!). On the high street, I like Revlon for lip products, Topshop for their cream blushes and kohl pencils, and Barry M/Models Own for nail varnish.

Yeah, I own too many of these.
3. Favourite flower?
In spring you can't go wrong with a good daffodil. Also lily of the valley, bluebells, honeysuckle, roses. Generally, if it doesn't smell nice, I'm not interested.

Hipster daffodils
4. Favourite clothing store?
Without a doubt, TK Maxx. I now resent paying full price in normal shops! I also go through phases of charity/vintage shopping. I don't remember the last time I bought clothes from regular high street shops!
5. Favourite perfume?
Thierry Mugler Angel or Viktor & Rolf Flowerbomb. I also wear Stella McCartney Stella a lot.
6. Heels or flats?
In the daytime, always flat boots; in the evenings, always heels.
7. Do you make good grades?
I'm currently in my fifth year of higher education. I heart learning (but I can't wait to start my real job next September and stop being a student!).

We can only hope so.
8. Favourite colours?
Black, white, red, grey. These are pretty much the only colours I ever wear. I also love purple.
9. Do you drink energy drinks?
When I was at university I drank quite a lot of Red Bull (the sugar-free kind), both with vodka and in the library late at night. Not good. I have to admit I also drank Blue Bolt, the Sainbury's budget version, in a pinch, and that stuff is pretty noxious.

The view in the library
10. Do you drink juice?
Not really, but if I'm cooking a proper fry-up for breakfast (usually when hungover), I'll have orange juice. Has to be bitty, or there's no point! (Similar to my theory on peanut butter - go crunchy or go home.)
11. Do you like swimming?
When I was younger I used to swim a lot, but now I only ever swim on holiday. And I love swimming in the sea, even the freezing British sea!
12. Do you eat chips with a fork?
Since I only ever eat chips when I've had a few drinks - no.

Cue photo of chips, with ketchup. I also like mayonnaise more than I should.
13. Favourite moisturiser?
Anything with SPF in it. Usually the Alpha-H SPF 50 one.
14. Do you want to get married later on in life?
In theory, yes.
15. Do you get mad easily?
Not really, I'm quite easy-going in that respect.
16. Are you into ghost hunting?
Bizarre question - no. Is anyone?
17. Any phobias?
Don't think so (how boring!).
18. Do you bite your nails?
No. I do bite the skin round them when I'm stressed, which is really not a good habit!
19. Have you ever had a near death experience?
Thankfully, no.
20. Do you drink coffee?
Is the Pope Catholic?? (Yes, a thousand times yes. Coffee is the lifeblood of the student. But never, ever Starbucks.)

This is actually tea. I like tea too.
And finally, a random photo of Dennis doing his thing, having a nap on Ford Madox Ford:
Till next time,
Josephine x
PS. Random pictures are from weheartit.com.
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